Six Things You Didn't Know About Dreidels And Rabbi Dr. Eliyahu Safran Dreidel Collection.
In our past few blogs, we gave you latke facts, recipes, and songs. Now we want to share with you our dreidels blogs!
Today's post is just some dreidel trivia. Did you know: As we roll down that long road to Hanukkah, today's post is dedicated to dreidel trivia. Did you know:
Dreidel is a variation of Teetotum, a popular gambling game when the Roman Empire ruled Israel. The rules were the same, only the letters changed. It's unknown whether the Jewish version originated during Roman times or much later because it was popular throughout Europe for a very long time.
The world's largest dreidel is 25 feet tall. The big and made of wood structure, which per the Guinness Book of World Records is the world's largest dreidel, was built with metal tubing by its core and is surrounded by framing and plywood boards.
In gematria, where each Hebrew letter is assigned a number representing it, the letters nun, gimmel, heh, and shin add up to 358, the same numerical value as Meshiach (or messiah).
Dreidel is a winner-takes-all game. Each player starts with the same number of gelt. The game continues until one person has every other player's money. There's no time limit. The length of the game depends on how many coins each person starts with.
Dreidel was supposed to be played with the money kids got from their parents. Jewish parents didn't give gifts; they gave kids money (gelt). That's where people got the inspiration for gold coins. We guess dreidel was a way to teach kids a lesson about not wasting their money on silly games. Party poopers!!!
One rabbi in Brooklyn claims to have over 1,000 dreidels from all over the world. Rabbi Dr. Eliyahu Safran shares his loveliest and largest dreidel collections. The largest in the world. Watch his video:
The biography of Rabbi Dr. Eliyahu Safran is long and storied. OU Kosher's Vice President of Communications and Marketing. Founder and Editor in Chief of Behind the Union Symbol, a highly acclaimed kashrus magazine published by the Orthodox Union. Published author. But perhaps one of the titles that Rabbi Safran wears most proudly is the owner of one of the largest private dreidel collections in the world.
While Rabbi Safran has previously allowed his dreidel collection to be photographed, VIN News is proud to present an exclusive, first-ever video tour of this awe-inspiring display.
Video source VINNews.com